WHY WORRY...ITS SUCH A WASTE OF TIME..BE HAPPY NOW SMILE AND BE HAPPY TODAY....When you worry, It is such a waste of time , it does not change anything and it almost ALWAYS causes you to doubt your own abilities.... Why worry about things which you have no control over? Today can be the beginning of a new way of thinking... BE HAPPY BE HAPPY Worrying tends to mess with your mind and it ALWAYS steals your joy! All it does is make you lose focus on what is really important... . DON'T WORRY.... BE HAPPY... DON'T WORRY.... BE HAPPY... DON'T WORRY.... BE HAPPY... Instead of worrying about all of the things that COULD GO WRONG in your life today... STOP and think about all of the blessings that you have right in front of you... Believe me, when you stop cha...