God has blessed me with some WONDERFUL people in my life!

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG BY LASHON CAMPBELL God has blessed me with WONDERFUL friends Have you ever stopped for a moment and said a thank you to God for all the wonderful people that he has placed in your life. I truly believe that you should. At least remind yourself of these blessings as often as possible. God has really blessed me to know some WONDERFUL people in my life. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG One of the GREATEST joys I have encountered in my military travels has been relationships that I have developed with friends. Most of the people who are in my life are military wives and they are all awesome in their own way. They have each touched my life and made it better in such a fantastic way. I really do mean that. I have such great memories of them. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG Friendships of any kind are a gift from God. Having a friend that understands you and loves you makes your heart feel so full and their love is simply incompa...