
Showing posts from January, 2014

SUPPORT your kids in all of their Activities

                                     WE LOVE MUSIC IN THE CAMPBELL HOME We love to listen to music in our home. We have three kids and all of them have played instruments. Our youngest son Patrick is currently a 8th grade student at Oceanway middle School and plays the Trumpet. He has a wonderful Band teacher Mr. Taylor that challenges him on a daily basis.  PATRICK CAMPBELL 2014  We are so proud of our son but we are equally proud of his wonderful school that supports the arts and his teacher Mr. Taylor that has worked long and hard with all the students there at Oceanway Middle School. As parents it is necessary to ENCOURAGE our kids in all the things that they do. When he started to play the trumpet in third grade, he was not very excited about playing. It was not a nice time in our house as he never wanted to play and always threw that ...

If you are not careful, FEAR can paralyze you........

DO NOT LET FEAR PARALYZE YOU Each day is a new beginning and a new chance to learn from your mistakes. We all have made mistakes and we tend to experience the same mistakes over and over because we allow fear to stop us in our tracks. This is not the time to allow fear to PARALYZE  you. You have the power today to be in control of the emotions that keep you in the same place. You will never conquer that mountain if you don't try. Don't you agree? DO NOT LET  FEAR  PARALYZE  YOU DO NOT LET  FEAR  PARALYZE  YOU Remind yourself that All things are possible with GOD. God can and will make a way when there seems no solution. The mind is funny, If you allow doubt and fears to slip into your thoughts you may never advance forward. You know what? Fear can absolutely paralyze you. It will paralyze you with a lot of self doubt and lots of  "WHAT IFS" . Do not allow those doubts and fears to be your downfall. you ...

Lashon Campbell wants you to know that, I LOVE my mother-in-law. We APPRECIATE each other and RESPECT one Another!

                                  I LOVE MY MOTHER-IN-LAW Recently my mother-in-law came to Florida for a visit. She is the proud mother of 4 kids and my husband Patrick is her baby.  Yes she has a 6'1 baby boy. (SMILE) (Let me stop for a minute so that we can all say in unison AWW! )  Our mother/daughter relationship has GROWN over the years. I am proud to say that we have worked extremely hard to get to where we are today. We are now Two people with a  MUTUAL RESPECT for one another! SO GRATEFUL THAT MY KIDS HAVE YOU AS A GRANDMOTHER...... As most of you know, I have been married to my husband Patrick for 21 years. Through the years our mother/daughter relationship has not been PERFECT but there has been many  PERFECT MOMENTS  that I will treasure in my heart forever.                      ...