Stop believing that you are ALL ALONE, It's just not true

YOU ARE NOT ALONE, GOD IS WITH YOU There are so many people that feel alone this morning. Are you one of them? I want you to know that you are NOT alone. God is with you at all times. Do not believe for a minute that you are isolated and have no one to be with you. I believe that isolation is a tool that the enemy uses most often in our lives to make us feel that we are all alone. Do not believe that lie for a minute. With God, You are NEVER alone. Stay in prayer and stay focused. Distractions can and will try to break your spirit. I want to remind you today that you are stronger than any attempt by the enemy to break you down. All you have to do is stay in love with God. He teaches us everyday how to love and be loved. So stop believing that you are all alone. That just is not true. Be strong today and rest on those words. LASHON CAMPBELL, NAVY W...