Can I REWIND this last year just for 5 minutes

MY BABY GIRL HAS HER DRIVER'S LICENSE One day you are putting your child on the bus for preschool and waving goodbye. Surely I did not expect the day would come that she would actually DRIVE herself to school. It happens so quickly and I have to get use to it fast because MY DAUGHTER IS 17 and time is still moving. I think I froze that morning she drove to school. I did not even suspect that I would react this way. SHE IS NOW DRIVING SHE IS NOW DRIVING I am really having a difficult time letting go of the baby girl she once was. She is no baby. She is a BEAUTIFUL and smart young Lady who shares her Father's passion for adventure BUT still reflects my thirst for learning. She is starting to put her footprint in this life and its quite AMAZING to watch. Well, I mean its amazing to watch when I am not crying (Smile) Seriously, She is out there on the road with excitement , car keys and a new driver's license. So join me i...