
Showing posts from May, 2017


I MISS HAVING MY MOTHER IN MY LIFE  Its been years since my mother passed away, but lately my daughter Lyric is looking exactly as she once did..How ironic is that? I really miss having my mother in my life... Her death was one of the hardest events that I have ever had to deal with...Growing up having such a wonderful, strong mother was instrumental in the way that I have raised my own kids.   I miss talking with her on the phone and telling her how my day was going... the simple things that we shared was so important to me as I got older and became a woman AND a mother.  I was sitting with my daughter Lyric going through our photo album and came across a picture of my mother as a teenager..My daughter said wow mom, she looks just like you, and I said "NO, Lyric, you look just like her"   I MISS YOU MOM                         I MISS YOU MOM           ...


A special Happy Birthday to my son Elijah. Elijah is handsome, super smart, a passionate dreamer, talented artist, and a devoted son. I know in my heart that God loves me because he gave me you. I love you son. God has truly blessed you my son. I know that it will be a good day for you. I love you and I appreciate you.  Have a wonderful day. MY CRAZY LIFE 2017 Thankful for my 3 kids that inspire and encourage me on a daily basis. I am so proud that God chose me to be their mother. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR                        FOLLOW ME O N  YOU TUBE FOLLOW ME ON GOOGLE+ FOLLOW ME ON PINTEREST

COUNTDOWN til DADDY comes home....A Book Review by Lashon Campbell

Recently I had the honor of doing a book review of a fantastic new book called COUNTDOWN TIL DADDY COMES HOME  COUNTDOWN Til DADDY comes home written by Kristin Ayyar tells the story of a little boy who is anxiously awaiting his father’s return home from a trip.   If you’re looking for a book that discusses family traditions, love and incorporates ways to lessen your child’s separation from their parent or parents then step right up this book is definitely for you.    This is an adorable story for both boys and girls with colorful illustrations and easy to read pages.  I would recommend this book to all of my military moms who have small children dealing with the ups and downs of separation due to their military parent being deployed. THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS REVIEW....PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THIS BOOK FOLLOW THESE LINKS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON THIS AMAZING BOOK:  ...