
Showing posts from September, 2017

When you waste your time continuing to cry over what is finished in your life, You DELAY all of the wonderful things that God Has in store for you!

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG LASHON CAMPBELL MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG When you waste your time continuing to cry over what is finished in your life, You DELAY all of the wonderful things that God has in store for you! Thank you Father for giving me my health back, Thank you father for showing me that I was strong all along this journey. No no no I'm not crying over anything that is finished father. I am ready to move on and move forward in my life. I love learning new things and I'm ready to learn new things on the computer now and to advance myself..Each day I get up early and I am excited to start my day. No more am I sad and going through the motions. My kids say that they have never seen me happier. Its because of you father. You never gave up on me. Today I can say with such joy that I Love my life, I love my family, I love my God and I love the man of my dreams Paul. God Bless you all and have a wonderful weekend! MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2017 Thankful for my 3 ki...

My days are filled with JOY because of my Three Amazing children. My heart is full because you Lord have supplied me with EVERYTHING that I need!

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG  LASHON CAMPBELL MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG Most of us are at a stage in our life as parents where the days are very intense. Everyone is busy...We have to slow down just a little and make some special time with our kids. It is certainly a balancing act to meet the needs of working and spending time with your kids. I know we can do it...Let's make a vow today to work harder, pray harder and love a little deeper.... God Bless you Father...I pray that you will continue to show me how to find the time to store your commands within my mind. As I turn my ear to Your wisdom, help me to apply my heart to doing things YOUR way. I know you are the giver of wisdom; help me to hear what you want me to learn even if I donā€™t always understand Your ways.. I want to trust you with my whole heart and to love my kids daily.  I pray that each of you will have a wonderful day and spend some time with your children. I will never take a moment for granted with my kids......

Whatever has happened in your past, we will release all of those feelings of shame...RIGHT NOW. Today is a NEW day!

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG BY LASHON CAMPBELL Whatever has happened in your past, we will release all of those feelings of shame...RIGHT NOW.  You are a child of God, You are gifted, talented and beautiful.  I want you to take a minute and  THANK GOD  right now that through all of it, you are still standing....Thank God that you know him personally IN YOUR HEART and you have a relationship with Him. That is the greatest gift of all.....                                                                      MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG Hold your head up and continue to seek God for all your answers. Do not feel shame, wipe those tears away and walk with the assurance that your future is going to be bright. CAN YOU FEEL IT?  Continue to love yourself, love your...

May we hold fast to joy and reflect Jesus with every action and every word we say

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG BY LASHON CAMPBELL I am so glad you stopped by my blog again today. Hope these words will encourage and inspire you. I love you all and pray that this will be a good day for you. Today when you head out, focus on sharing love and compassion. Practice humility, be kind and have integrity. You have to live these words out loud. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG If we want to have a better day, we must start by asking God to bestow these qualities in our hearts. God is constantly working on our hearts. We can trust in him. We can trust that Jesus really is the way, the truth and the life. Thank you father. Hold on to your joy today and live one day at a time. Yes, Hold fast to joy. How can you serve if you are constantly stressed out. Let it go. Smile knowing that you are protected today. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG Act accordingly and be a good servant. Remember that our children are always watching and alwa...

My daughter's High School Graduation was peaceful and joyful

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG LASHON CAMPBELL MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG There were a lot of concerned parents and students for the First Coast High School graduation 2015. There had been some violence and scary incidents that shook us to our core. Through prayer and lots of communication, I was able to calm my daughter down and let her simply enjoy this wonderful day. LINK to my interview with Francesca Amiker MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG Please take time to talk with your children. their safety should always be our top concern. they have do deal with so much at school. As parents we have to listen more and be there when they need us. God bless us all. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2017 Thankful for my 3 kids that inspire and encourage me on a daily basis. I am so proud that God chose me to be their mother. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR http://mycrazylife2013.t...

My three kids remain God's GREATEST gifts to me

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG BY LASHON CAMPBELL My kids remain God's greatest gifts to me. I'm grateful to be trusted with their lives, 9 months in my womb and forever in my heart. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG I pray each day that God will fill me with enough love to pour into them. As mothers May God continue to fill us with love so that we may be an extension of His love in their lives. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2017 Thankful for my 3 kids that inspire and encourage me on a daily basis. I am so proud that God chose me to be their mother. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR                        FOLLOW ME O N  YOU TUBE FOLLOW ME ON GOOGLE+ FOLLOW ...