I feel so blessed being called out of darkness into His marvelous light!

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2019 MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2019 BY LASHON CAMPBELL Good morning and thank you for joining me here at my blog once again. I want to take a few minutes to talk about our thoughts. Dark thoughts to be more specific. Don’t let thoughts of fear or dread try to pull you down or hold you back. Stand in confidence knowing that God is with you and for you. I know that you're tired. You may even be depressed. Some of you may not know what to do. There is hope for you. Its time to get out of that darkness. Please know that I love you and God loves you. Trust me, you are not alone in this fight. If you think that no one loves you, know that I am here for you. Keep praying and cheer up. Everything will be just fine. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2019 BY LASHON CAMPBELL MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2019 Regardless of what's going on around us, giving thanks is one of the best ways to refocus our mind and heart on God. So right now, take a moment to stop and pray. ...