All this time, God has been preparing me to walk into a greater dimension of blessings. I am READY!

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2019 MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG BY LASHON CAMPBELL Good morning and thank you for joining me here at my blog. Today is a beautiful day and I feel great. What about you? You see this smile on my face? It took a lot for me to make it. I have been through a lot. I am not worried at all though because I know that God has been preparing me to walk into a greater dimension of blessings. I can feel it and that keeps me smiling. I have been sick but I am back stronger than ever. During my time away, I took a lot of time to get myself together. I worked extra hard with my physical therapist, I logged out of my business social media, turned off my phones and did not open my emails. I needed to get things in order. Can you relate? MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG BY LASHON CAMPBELL MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2019 Being successful takes a lot of work. But you know what? It started to take its toll on me. I got sick so quickly this time and felt so dra...