PERFECT way to breathe hope into your soul every morning!

LASHON CAMPBELL 2019 MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2019 BY LASHON CAMPBELL Just finished reading my bible and I feel so full. I feel full of hope and full of peace. Reading the word of God gives me nourishment and a solid foundation. When we skip that early morning prayer and bible reading, it leaves us hungry. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2019 And without it, we will crave filling our spiritual hunger with temporary physical pleasures, thinking they will somehow treat the loneliness that dwells inside of us. These temporary physical pleasures can’t fill us, but they can numb us. Start today with a FRESH start. LASHON CAMPBELL 2019 The minute we turn to His Word is the minute the gap between us and God is closed. He is always near. Listen, If you missed out on spending time in God’s Word this morning, it’s not too late. Open up His Word and let Him breathe hope into your soul. LASHON CAMPBELL 2019 What about you? What is your morning routine? I would love to...