There is freedom in your Praise!

LASHON CAMPBELL Good morning and welcome back to page. I am so glad that you took the time to join me once again. I feel great this morning. Took a moment to praise his name. Have you had a chance to praise him this morning? If not, find a minute to say his name. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG There is freedom in your praise. When His name is on your lips and His glory is on your mind, nothing can stop the good plans of Heaven for your life. Keep on standing in His love for you. I know that there are some of you right now that are struggling with pain and emptiness. Maybe you haven’t experienced the miracle you’ve been praying for. I stand here today and I share my testimony with you. I praise his name and I shout my story to all who will hear it. I pray my praise will never become salt in someone else’s wounds. I simply want to testify that what some people say is impossible is possible with God because His goodness knows no bounds. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG The God who...