The pain you're feeling is just preparation for your destiny!

LASHON CAMPBELL Good morning and thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. Today is a good day. Praying your day goes well. Today I just wanted to relay some of the details of my last hospital stay. Thanks again for all of the well wishes, prayers and emails. I love you all. LIVING MY CRAZY BEST LIFE This last hospital stay was a challenge for me and my kids. The biggest lesson that I learned was, my 50 year old body is so powerful! I feel so connected to my mind, body and spirit. This recovery time with my physical therapist has been an absolute blessing. LASHON CAMPBELL-MY CRAZY LIFE 2020 Seeing my body get stronger is just an experience like no other. I’m proud to be a woman! Proud to be a mom and even prouder of my strength. Grateful for my kids for making me feel invincible, connected and comfortable during this process. LASHON CAMPBELL-MY CRAZY LIFE 2020 An absolute pleasure to be alive and full of peace. Whatever your...