The best way to heal a broken heart is to give GOD all the pieces.

LASHON CAMPBELL Good morning everyone. It's the start of a new week so let's focus on all of the good things that are happening in our lives. Listen, I remember a time in my life when I was so down. I was beyond help, or so I thought. That is when my three kids stepped in and gave me what I needed. My kids saw me falling apart and tried desperately to comfort me. My daughter Lyric kept repeating, “It's going to get easier Mama. ” LASHON CAMPBELL My kids pulled me up and showed me that I was in a bad place. You know, sometimes when you are in that dark place you need someone to come along and pull you up. Honestly now that I look back my kids, my family and my church were so right and I am so happy that I welcomed their help and their love because my life has really changed for the better. LIVING MY CRAZY BEST LIFE I’m so happy with my life right now . Listen, Everything is NOT perfect but God has blessed ...