ASK YOURSELF...WHAT IS MY DESTINY? I ask myself that question all the time as I continue to search this path that God has paved for me.. Today as I sit here on my patio, I am thankful for all that God has given to me.. THANK YOU FOR MY GIFTS THANK YOU FOR MY TALENTS THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE I AM THANKFUL that God saw me before I was born and GAVE to me these gifts and these talents...These gifts and talents were designed especially for me... THANK YOU FOR MY GIFTS THANK YOU FOR MY TALENTS THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE Our father has given me my faith, my determination, my ideas, my creativity and he has placed DREAMS within me... As I sit here and as I begin to contemplate this New year, I am so excited about the dreams and plans that he has placed into my heart... WHAT IS MY DESTINY? WHAT IS MY DESTINY? WHAT IS MY DESTINY? ...