
Showing posts from December, 2012


         ASK YOURSELF...WHAT IS MY DESTINY?     I ask myself that question all the time as I continue to search this path that God has paved for me.. Today as I sit here on my patio, I am thankful for all that God has given to me.. THANK YOU FOR MY GIFTS THANK YOU FOR MY TALENTS THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE I AM THANKFUL that God saw me before I was born and GAVE to me these gifts and these talents...These gifts and talents were designed especially for me...    THANK YOU FOR MY GIFTS  THANK YOU FOR MY TALENTS   THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE    Our father has given me my faith, my determination, my ideas, my creativity and he has placed DREAMS within me... As I sit here and as I begin to contemplate this New year, I am so excited about the dreams and plans that he has placed into my heart...       WHAT IS MY DESTINY?  WHAT IS MY DESTINY?   WHAT IS MY DESTINY? ...


When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone...... WORDS MATTER~~~~~~WORDS MATTER THERE ARE TIMES WHEN A LETTER IS NEEDED....HAVE YOU EVER BEEN FEELING DOWN AND A CARD OR A LETTER FROM YOUR BEST FRIEND LIFTS YOU UP IN WAYS THAT YOU NEVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE.... That is what a letter can do..It can encourage and uplift you...  With the world of technology, no one writes letters anymore.... EACH DAY LET SOMEONE KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THEY ARE TO YOU Face book, texting and email is wonderful...but there is nothing that says "I love you" quite like a handwritten card or letter...... THINK ABOUT IT FOR A MINUTE. I BELIEVE THAT WORDS MATTER...... Today, take a few moments to send SOMEONE YOU LOVE a note from the heart... It will only take a few minutes, but just think about the impact it will have on the person that receives it!! This is a truly wonderful act of kindness and it tells people just how much you truly car...


WHAT DOES CHRISTMAS MEAN TO YOU I woke up this morning so full of Joy...As we get ready to celebrate Christmas, please do not forget what the TRUE meaning of Christmas is... The TRUE meaning of Christmas is not about how many presents you have under the tree, or having the best house, or best car... NO!  NO!  WHAT DOES CHRISTMAS MEAN TO YOU Christmas reminds me that reaching out to those who are alone and in need of help is the true spirit of this Holiday... We can all reach out and help someone who is in need. Maybe you know of someone that has recently lost their house, or maybe someone just lost their job...My list could go on forever, Help someone TODAY... WHAT DOES CHRISTMAS MEAN TO YOU Christmas is 365 days of the year, and the people who need help has needs that  NEVER go away.   Love is AND always will be what makes this world so beautiful... The Gift of caring for another person in need is the TRUE meaning of Chris...


MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG BY LASHON CAMPBELL DO NOT LET ANYONE STEAL YOUR JOY... THAT INCLUDES A MEAN-SPIRITED CO-WORKER  How many times have you walked into the office in the best mood and within minutes a certain someone finds everything negative in the day... Where did this person come from? I have a solution for you... If you work around people with unkind attitudes, one way to deal with them is through empathy.. YES EMPATHY!! DO NOT LET ANYONE STEAL YOUR JOY... We need to remember that negativity is typically the result of inner suffering and emotional pain.... PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES JUST FOR A MINUTE.... By seeing a difficult co-worker as a wounded being or maybe as a soul lost can OPEN UP YOUR HEART in ways that you have never imagined..  DO NOT LET ANYONE STEAL YOUR JOY... ITS NICE TO BE NICE.. ITS NICE TO BE NICE.. So please BE KIND... BE KIND to that person in ALL circumstances and in time...


STAY ENCOURAGED EVEN WHEN EVERYTHING AROUND YOU SEEMS TO BE FALLING APART....                    STAY ENCOURAGED  SO much is going on around you...The bills are piling up, the money in the bank is slowly disappearing... What do you do? I am here to tell you that we have all been through it...some more than others.. BUT you have to stay faithful and stay committed in prayer... you have to REMIND YOURSELF TO STAY ENCOURAGED.. AND DO NOT ALLOW YOUR COMMITMENT TO GOD TO TAKE A BACK SEAT. YOU ARE..  YOU ARE.. YOU ARE STRONG! Its easy to say I know but it takes a great deal of faith to believe this...  MOST IMPORTANTLY, DO NOT LOSE FAITH AND HOPE this to shall pass my friend. I have so much faith in you this you need someone to talk to? Reach out to a friend, your family or your pastor... Great things are in store for you.....IF YOU FALL DOWN, DUST YOURSELF OFF, GE...


GOD SEES IN YOU, WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE IN YOURSELF... .... GODS CHOICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT............. I pray that everyone realizes that God's choices are always right... He is capable of carrying out any project to a successful conclusion without the possibility of fault or failure... GODS CHOICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT............. STAY IN PRAYER.... So hold on to that knowledge this morning as you start your day KNOWING that Nothing that has happened in your life, has been by chance or accident... COUNT IT ALL JOY For EVERY EFFECT THERE IS A CAUSE...   GODS CHOICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT............. God "worketh all things after the counsel of His own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory" (Ephesians 1:11-12) Thank you for visiting My Crazy life as a Navy Wife, the following links will help you to contact me: Mailing address My Crazy Life As A Navy Wife C/O Lashon Campbell P.O. Box #77551 ...


YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT TO GOD!   I WAKE UP EACH MORNING FEELING BLESSED BECAUSE I KNOW MY LIFE IS IMPORTANT TO GOD.  Our Father LOVES us so much... He cares for all of his children...He cares about everything that we do..And he wants us to be happy.... TRUST HIM FULLY... I feel confident every morning that I wake up... YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT TO GOD!  YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT TO GOD!  YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT TO GOD!   THERE ARE NO LIMITS!                  THERE ARE NO LIMITS!                       Your life can be so Awesome.... Let's start today believing that. You can experience abundance in your can experience happiness and joy in your life.. PRAYER IS THE ANSWER PRAYER IS THE ANSWER We all can have happiness, joy and overall peace....It all begins by developing a better relationship w...


I APPRECIATE ALL OF THE SUPPORT..... I APPRECIATE ALL OF THE SUPPORT..... TO ALL My fans of the blog and to my Face book page, I thank you for all of your support.  Thank you for always supporting this page and giving my readers such wonderful comments here....   I APPRECIATE ALL OF THE SUPPORT..... Let's continue to work together here on the blog and my Face book page  empowering people.... Today let the love and peace of our Father empower you, because when you do, you close the door on all things negative and you will never feel alone again...thank you all!! I APPRECIATE ALL OF THE SUPPORT..... Thank you for visiting My Crazy life as a Navy Wife, the following links will help you to contact me: Mailing address My Crazy Life As A Navy Wife C/O Lashon Campbell P.O. Box #77551 Jacksonville, Florida 32226-7551 Phone Number 786-373-4764  (TEXT ONLY) Email...