MY KIDS CHALLENGE ME ON A DAILY BASIS My kids challenge me every day. I was taking a “power nap” the other day and my 12 year old son Patrick came in and asked me this question: Mom, I was wondering if today I could donate some of my toys...... WOW!!! Totally shocked me… I was not prepared for him to volunteer giving up some of his favorite things. I have to admit I was quite moved by his question and it got me thinking about how we as parents are constantly trying to instill lessons into our children and how when you least expect it, they do or say something that blows your mind. LESSON LEARNED ... Thank you to my 12 year old son Patrick for opening up my mind and my heart this morning…. His random act of kindness reminds me of his beautiful heart and his beautiful future. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I AM SO PROUD OF HIM This is our mission everyday AS PARENTS …TO DO BETTER ..BE BETTER.. AND ENRICH THE LIVES OF OUR CHILDRE...