Do whatever it takes to totally saturate yourself with the Word of God....

Do whatever it takes to totally saturate yourself with the Word of God. Stay Soaked in the Word so that when life tries to squeeze the life out of you, only the Word comes out! Thank You God for Your Living Word! Your living word keeps us safe and Set Apart from the World! I am getting so renewed and blessed with new knowledge! I am grateful for my family, friends and all the wonderful relationships that I have experienced. I want all God has for me in the area of breakthrough. I will Bless the Lord at all times His praise shall continually be in my mouth! My motivation for walking in the word; walking by faith; and walking in love is because I want to live a "blessed in all things" type of life and I want to be a blessing to others that I come into contact with. I thank God for the grace he has given me and my family... I am finding that I need more and more of God and the only way to get that is to get in His Word and to keep my ey...