
Showing posts from April, 2014

SPRING BREAK at the CAMPBELL home is so much FUN

CAMPBELL FAMILY                        SPRING BREAK 2014 AT THE CAMPELL'S This spring break we are not traveling to an amusement park or going on a cruise. This year I simply want to spend time with my kids. I have 3 kids. They are 21, 16 and 14. My oldest son does not live here anymore so my focus is to spend as much time as I can with my two youngest kids. REALITY CHECK: This time next year I will have another one of my beloved children leave the house. My daughter Lyric will be graduating from high school and heading to college. (Did you see the sad face I just made.) I have decided to spend as much time as I can. Especially with her. My baby girl.  CAMPBELL FAMILY This mama is so excited about today. I am Looking forward to a fun morning with my daughter Lyric. We are going to get our hair done and then doing a little shopping. It is moments like this that ...

Ask yourself, What is my PASSION?

                                                  WHAT IS YOUR PASSION What is your passion? We all have something we love. Something that makes our heart smile. Sometimes our passions cause us more grief than good. Its OK though, ITS NOT GOING TO BE EASY. Just keep working and keep striving to achieve that dream that God has placed inside of you... I know that it takes a lot of hard work, but this is the time to start moving forward with ACTION and not just words.   Right now, there are those that are reading this thinking, "Nothing is going to change." It never will until you change your attitude and put those words into action. It will be hard at first, But in the CRAZINESS of it all, you will discover a much better work ethic, more passion and a drive that will enhance your life. WHAT IS YOUR PASSION    ...

Focus on God and not the obstacles before you....

THANK GOD FOR MAKING A WAY  Glory be to God! Right now, take a minute to say Thank you God for making a way for us... We sometimes tend to focus our energy on our problems and that takes the focus away from God....Father you are the creator of Heaven and Earth! Thank you for making a way. Sometimes its easy for us to get caught up in the obstacles of life, but God made us a promise and his love never fails! Trust me when I say, He is TRUE TO HIS WORD! He is true to his promises and all the troubles you THOUGHT you had will slowly disappear. Today I want you to FOCUS on God. He always makes a way out of no way.  How many times have you had a obstacle that made you loose your focus? And Lord knows we face many obstacles in this life. When God closes one door, He always opens another door. He will never leave you or forsake you.   What a mighty God we serve!! He will never leave you or forsake you.             W...

I received a BEAUTIFUL reminder in my mailbox…

A received a BEAUTIFUL reminder in my mailbox….  I RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL POSTCARD I went to my mailbox this morning and received a postcard from a wife here in Jacksonville. She thanked me for the pep talk and the reminder of how GREAT our God is. The military wife that wrote this letter was referring to a speech that I had given to a small group of military wives. The focus of the event was to bring awareness to young military couples that are struggling financially. I can not stop smiling because I just  love receiving mail the "OLD FASHIONED" way. A hand written note/letter means so much more to me. (Smile)   START EACH DAY WITH A PLAN AND END EACH DAY WITH A PRAYER LASHON CAMPBELL 2014 I have been a navy spouse for over 20 years and I have also served in the Navy on active duty. So over the years I have been in the midst of many struggles. Finances have a huge impact on marriages and if these young couples are not careful, it can...

The Campbell House looks like a TORNADO passed through

                             FATHER GIVE ME STRENGTH TODAY HAVE YOU HAD THOSE DAYS WHEN NOTHING IS GOING RIGHT? AND YOUR HOUSE LOOKS LIKE LIKE A TORNADO PASSED THROUGH? I have to come clean and be honest with my readers today- My house looks awful. How did it get this way? I have to leave it this way, just for a moment. I have to head to my prayer group. I WILL TAKE CARE OF IT LATER... Boy was that a mistake. Lesson learned here, NEVER PUT OFF SOMETHING THAT COULD GET DRASTICALLY WORSE! (SMILE) CAN YOU COME BACK NEXT WEEK?  My navy husband is deployed and I have two of my children still living at home. I have a 14 year old and a 16 year old. We had so many activities this week and left for the weekend. We just got back in. OH NO! Stuff is EVERYWHERE! I just stopped for a minute looked around and everything was out of place. I know that I SHOULD NOT of been blogging this morni...

Surround yourself with POSITIVE people.....

Surround yourself with POSITIVE people Happiness comes in all different ways. A smile, a word of confidence and the way we speak and treat others... Surrounding yourself with POSITIVE  people is essential in your happiness. Nothing is greater than having good positive people around us... I'm truly blessed for great family and great friends. I have had a number of family and friends tell me that I am special...When I am feeling down and out... I draw on their confidence in me. We're all put here to be there for one another. That's what life is all about....  PHOTO OF LASHON CAMPBELL 2014 Surround yourself with  POSITIVE  people Surround yourself with  POSITIVE  people                                                                       ...