My three children are the greatest gift God has given to me!

MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2018 MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG BY LASHON CAMPBELL My three children are the greatest gift God has given to me. I try to protect, teach and enrich their lives in everything I do. I try to protect them from any harm that may try to reach them and its understandable as their mother to feel this way. I also understand that God in his infinite wisdom will allow my three children to face certain situations that I have no control over. He loves them and will give each of them the wisdom that they will need in their life journey. As a mother I have to understand that God is constantly increasing their wisdom. I see this on a daily basis with all three of them. I thank you father for trusting me with these three gifts. MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG 2018 MY CRAZY LIFE BLOG BY LASHON CAMPBELL Each one of my children has faced some difficult times. This happens to all of us. We have to remain a constant in their lives and continue to pray for our children. At ...