Everyday I wake up feeling incredibly blessed! What about you?

LASHON CAMPBELL Good morning all and welcome back to my blog. This blog post is especially for you. I hope you are all keeping safe and well during these uncertain times. I know that God is going to mend your broken heart and he is going to restore your happiness. Just you wait and see. LIVING MY CRAZY BEST LIFE God is so good. He has blessed me and my family with so much. I want for you to talk to him today. Talk to God and don’t focus on what’s happened in your past, focus on what God will do in your future. He wants to restore your soul and revive your dreams. Keep believing, keep expecting, keep hoping because God has a new route for your future! LASHON CAMPBELL I hope you find strength in the little things , that you know even when it's a struggle to keep going, when you feel like it's too much, that it's okay to rest, to take breaks, to recharge and know that so many people love and support you. Praying that today will be a good day for you. I am prayin...