Ask yourself, What is my PASSION?



What is your passion? We all have something we love. Something that makes our heart smile. Sometimes our passions cause us more grief than good. Its OK though, ITS NOT GOING TO BE EASY. Just keep working and keep striving to achieve that dream that God has placed inside of you... I know that it takes a lot of hard work, but this is the time to start moving forward with ACTION and not just words. 

Right now, there are those that are reading this thinking, "Nothing is going to change." It never will until you change your attitude and put those words into action. It will be hard at first, But in the CRAZINESS of it all, you will discover a much better work ethic, more passion and a drive that will enhance your life.


                                                      WHAT IS YOUR PASSION

DON'T GIVE UP! You are a fighter, a winner, a survivor and you are special in the eye's of God! You my dear friend are special in every way. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT? 

                                  NOTHING WORTH HAVING COMES EASY

We were all made for victory and today is going to be the beginning of your winning attitude and your passions to prosper. WHATEVER DREAM GOD HAS PUT IN YOUR HEART is worth pursuing. YOU, yes you! You have all the tools you need to be successful.

There will be times when you will become frustrated and want to give up completely. I want you to know that we all have FAILED at some point in our lives....Its as simple as brushing yourself off and getting up again. 
Isn't it wonderful when God brings something at the exact moment in our lives when we need it? 

You do not have to keep doing the same things, there is much to still discover and you never know how close you are to something great. Know that there is Someone guiding you to your best because He loves you so much and he knows your potential better than anybody. Believe that today as you pursue your passion. God loves you! 

I would love to hear from you here at the blog. Send me an email, or leave a message in the comment section.

Thank you for visiting My Crazy life as a Navy Wife, the following links will help you to contact me:

Mailing address

My Crazy Life 
C/O Lashon Campbell
P.O. Box #77551
Jacksonville, Florida 32226-7551

Phone Number

786-373-4764 (TEXT ONLY)

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  1. Store up God's Word in you every day because God gives you wisdom, knowledge, direction, protection and victory! It's life-changing!

  2. you are a wonderful woman,you have been such a wonderful blessing to me.


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