SPRING BREAK at the CAMPBELL home is so much FUN


                       SPRING BREAK 2014 AT THE CAMPELL'S

This spring break we are not traveling to an amusement park or going on a cruise. This year I simply want to spend time with my kids. I have 3 kids. They are 21, 16 and 14. My oldest son does not live here anymore so my focus is to spend as much time as I can with my two youngest kids. REALITY CHECK: This time next year I will have another one of my beloved children leave the house. My daughter Lyric will be graduating from high school and heading to college. (Did you see the sad face I just made.) I have decided to spend as much time as I can. Especially with her. My baby girl. 


This mama is so excited about today. I am Looking forward to a fun morning with my daughter Lyric. We are going to get our hair done and then doing a little shopping. It is moments like this that makes me see why God wants me to appreciate all of the SMALL THINGS. Sometimes in the midst of all the chaos, its the small things that keep you moving. The small things that make you smile and the small things that bring you JOY! I tell you, This beautiful girl has helped me see things so clearly. Through my love for ALL three of my children, I have found a voice that I never knew I had. This is such a blessing.


I promised myself that I would use this spring break time wisely. Today is Wednesday and today is all about me and my baby boy. My youngest child is Patrick. I decided to take my son Patrick to the music store. So happy!
He loves music and I knew that he would enjoy looking at all of the instruments and seeing some of the new items they had in stock. I call this "QUALITY TIME" alone with my son. 

We also got his mouthpiece for his trumpet fixed and then had a nice lunch together. It gave us time to just talk without any interruptions. Just me and my baby. I know what you are thinking. I called him my baby. (Smile)
The truth is, He will always be my baby. He is 14 and I love him just as if it was the first day I saw him in the hospital. As the tears are welling up in my eyes, I sit here and thank God for the close relationship that has developed with me and my baby boy. He is such a blessing to me....



Its a new day and today the Campbell family is heading to the bowling alley. So incredibly excited about bowling. You would think that I won the lottery! I tell you, we are definitely a bowling family. WAIT, Did I tell you I am lousy at bowling? Besides the obvious limitations that I possess, We are and always will be a BOWLING FAMILY. Yes, we each try to play the best we can. The overall champion in the family is my daughter Lyric! 

We had the usual excitement at the bowling alley. Lots of fun, laughing and talking, but today was different. We had a blast BUT, We were really missing my husband Patrick today. He is in the Navy and is currently deployed. We love to see him bowl. My husband Patrick is the head of this family but he is also our comic relief. (Smile) Being a navy wife is a great thing. Its those days when my kids miss my husband that are the hardest for me as their mother. Prayer is what brings us air in times when we feel as if we can not breathe. All in all, spring break was awesome. So now we are at the end of our spring break week and I want to make a nice meal for us and enjoy our weekend together. 


                                      FAMILY IS ALL THAT MATTERS


I decided to cook baked chicken breast, carrots, salad and brown rice. A great meal for us to enjoy. We laughed and we had a great time talking about everything AND nothing. (That is the best way that I can describe this week) Hard to put into words how I feel. What a joy it is to be their mother. Talking to them like this was a lesson. The truth is, I can never get enough of them. 

                      CAMPBELL FAMILY

Hearing their voices I find myself getting a little bit wiser. Seeing Gods hand working in my children's life is awesome. I could have never faced this deployment without my beautiful kids and my relationship with God. Knowing that his love is simply unbreakable, is the Glue that holds this family together. I pray that you have found ways to spend time with your family during spring break and that you are treasuring every moment with your kids.

I would love to hear from you here at the blog. Send me an email, or leave a message in the comment section.

Thank you for visiting My Crazy life as a Navy Wife, the following links will help you to contact me:

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My Crazy Life As A Navy Wife
C/O Lashon Campbell
P.O. Box #77551
Jacksonville, Florida 32226-7551

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786-373-4764 (TEXT ONLY)

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  1. Lashon your blog is such a breathe of fresh air. Everyday something new...I just love it!

    1. Sarah,

      Thanks for stopping by. so glad you enjoy my blog. Have a blessed week in the Lord!

  2. I wake up every day and I say THANK YOU GOD" for trusting me enough to be their mother. I love my babies.

  3. It gets harder as the kids get older to spend time together. We have decided that nothing is more important so we TRY as hard as we can to make their activities spend loving time with them and make a effort to be supportive in their lives. No parent is perfect and I know that. We just try to do the very best that we can.

  4. Wow! Lady! That was spot on!


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