Look at you! You are beautiful in every way. I think you needed to hear that today. Hoping and praying that you are not feeling empty and broken today. Today more than ever you need to get yourself up and start living. Do you feel broken today? If so, I want for you to surrender all your broken pieces to God and watch Him rewrite your story. Starting right now today.

It is so important for you to develop a relationship with God. Let him lead your life and your decisions. You have to Make God’s Word your final authority. Thank you father. You have to live the Word and then watch how God steps in and rewrites your story. 

ALL things, not just SOME things; and EVERY one, not just SOME, are created with beauty. We are predestined for splendor and loveliness. “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” 
Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV

Thank you for visiting My Crazy Life, 
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contact me:

Lashon Campbell
Mother of 3
USN Veteran

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Mailing address

My Crazy Life 
C/O Lashon Campbell
P.O. Box #77551
Jacksonville, Florida 32226-7551


  1. A simple reminder for you that no matter how hard your situation may seem right now, Our father is going to step in and make it alright. Your new story is awaiting and despite what it looks like or how it feels like today, continue to believe that the power and authority that Jesus Christ possesses, is at work right at this precise moment.God Bless.


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