Put all things into perspective and appreciate the simple things......

Put all things into perspective and appreciate the simple things......

I watched the sun rise this morning. It was just so beautiful and so calming....I had a lot to contemplate this morning and so many decisions to make....Thankful to God for something so beautiful to see first thing in the morning.......

I said a prayer and decided that this was the perfect time to have a talk with God. Over the years I have often turned to God in dire situations. I have stayed close to him and kept the faith.


                                              CHOOSE JOY                                          

                        CHOOSE JOY

 Today is no different than any other day except watching the sun rise produced a very tranquil feeling and made me feel closer than ever to God. As you go through your day you have to be careful. There will be many people and many situations that will arise that will try to break you down. Instead of listening to all of this negativity, rise above it all and let God lead you through this tough day. DO NOT let your anger and despair ruin a perfectly good day. 

Did you wake up this morning? Well that is reason enough to be happy and joyful. I spend quite a bit of time here on my blog talking about God, my love for him and my faith. I do that because if just one person that reads a story here is feeling happiness and NO FEAR... 


Then we have touched someone in a positive way. Why not try that today. Turn that miserable frown around and watch something beautiful like a sunrise or a sunset. Put all things into perspective and appreciate the simple things.

DO NOT spend your day in a sea of discontent and confusion... There are so many things to see today. Try to wake up this morning feeling energized and filled with the holy spirit.... Let your smile be contagious and let your life glorify God in every thing you do and everything you say.... God is just so faithful! This I know. (Smile)

                                     ~ DON'T FORGET TO SMILE ~
I come before you Father this morning with all my heart and soul and I pray that everyone who reads today's post will TRUST IN YOU father like never before. In Jesus name I pray, Amen...

Why not trust in him? Why not have endless faith in him and why not surrender all to him......

God bless you all and thanks for stopping by my blog.

I would love to hear from you here at the blog. Send me an email, or leave a message in the comment section.

Thank you for visiting My Crazy life as a Navy Wife, the following links will help you to contact me:

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My Crazy Life As A Navy Wife
C/O Lashon Campbell
P.O. Box #77551
Jacksonville, Florida 32226-7551

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