I recently moved to a beautiful place called Guantanamo Bay Cuba . I decided before even reporting here, that I would use the time here to bring our family closer together. I feel as though we were already close, but as the children are getting older, I find it harder to find activities that appeal to all of us. My husband is FINALLY on shore duty so that means this is uninterrupted FAMILY TIME...... So no time here in Guantanamo will go in vain.....NO WAY!!! I plan on using every passing moment here doing family activities or at least activities which I feel might bring us closer together. (SMILE) When we first got here, we all walked TOGETHER AS A FAMILY... Boy was that a big mistake. Four different people PLUS a dog. BIG MISTAKE.....Four different ideas of what WALKING truly entailed. It just did not work well for us. I took off one day alone trying to find a pace that was best suited for me. When I walked alone I realized...I LIKED IT. I liked walking alone. So family time tog...