Forgive, Heal, and then QUICKLY Moving On

I get lots of letters from people that are literally STUCK in time and stuck in a constant state of pain. I have been there. I am one who understands and sympathizes with those that are going through a difficult season. I know that your pain is real but today I am here to tell you that it is time for you to do 3 things: FORGIVE HEAL MOVE FORWARD Its really that simple. You have to prepare yourself for this journey in healing. I want for you to continue to pray during this process. Your prayer and your faith is necessary. Remind yourself that with God all things are possible. He is and always will be the answer. Whatever issue that caused you to be in this dark pit is not a permanent situation. I guarantee you that this bump in the road is a unique opportunity for you to grow and move forward. It is time for a new season in your life and you can get there. Can you see it? It is right there within your reach. All you have to do is forgive, heal and...